"Why are the many poor?" is the title of the very first Fabian tract and its just one of around 580 such pamphlets which are now available on this site. In addition, some of the earliest Fabian Society minute books are also available online.
The Fabian Society started publishing tracts in 1884, and included in this site are most tracts up to 1997. Many of the early tracts were written by LSE founders George Bernard Shaw and Sidney Webb. Among the many other notable authors in the collection are:
Clement Attlee; Tony Benn; Tony Blair; Gordon Brown; Edward Carpenter; G D H Cole; Robin Cook; Tony Crosland; R H S Crossman; Denis Healey; Harold Laski; David Lipsey; Kingsley Martin; Peter Shore; Chris Smith; Richard Titmuss; Peter Townsend; Beatrice Webb; Harold Wilson...
The tracts relate to a great variety of topics including:
cultural matters; economics; electoral reform; foreign policy (such as colonialism, the Cold War and relations with Europe); industrial relations; the Labour Party; local government; politics (such as electoral and parliamentary reform); poverty; social reform (such as education, health and pensions); socialism; women's issues...
The Fabian Society started publishing tracts in 1884, and included in this site are most tracts up to 1997. Many of the early tracts were written by LSE founders George Bernard Shaw and Sidney Webb. Among the many other notable authors in the collection are:
Clement Attlee; Tony Benn; Tony Blair; Gordon Brown; Edward Carpenter; G D H Cole; Robin Cook; Tony Crosland; R H S Crossman; Denis Healey; Harold Laski; David Lipsey; Kingsley Martin; Peter Shore; Chris Smith; Richard Titmuss; Peter Townsend; Beatrice Webb; Harold Wilson...
The tracts relate to a great variety of topics including:
cultural matters; economics; electoral reform; foreign policy (such as colonialism, the Cold War and relations with Europe); industrial relations; the Labour Party; local government; politics (such as electoral and parliamentary reform); poverty; social reform (such as education, health and pensions); socialism; women's issues...
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