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Friday 1 January 2010

The New Year - Forthcoming Podcasts

Dear All,

I hope that you had a great Christmas. I thought that I would let you know the timetable for the release of this year's podcasts. We have just launched two, as of January 1: "Cardinal Wolsey: Rise & Fall, 1509-1529" by Glenn Richardson (St. Mary's University College), following on from two earlier podcasts focussed upon Henry VIII, and a study skills podcast from Chris Prior (Leeds University) looking at constructing an historical investigation for the extended essay. In addition we will be releasing the following presentations at the following times:

8 January: The First World War: The Entente Powers (Professor John Gooch, University of Leeds);

15 January: The First World War: The Central Powers (Professor John Gooch, University of Leeds);

22 January: King Henry VIII: Aims as King (Dr. Glenn Richardson, St. Mary's University College);

29 January: Weimar Germany: Part I (Dr. Moritz Foellmer, University of Leeds);

5 February: Mussolini, the Armed Forces & War: 1920-1940 (Professor John Gooch, University of Leeds);

12 February: Weimar Germany: Part II (Dr. Moritz Foellmer, University of Leeds);

19 February: Weimar Germany: Part III (Dr. Moritz Foellmer, University of Leeds);

26 February: Why were there wars between the Lancastrians & Yorkists? (Dr. David Grummitt, History of Parliament Trust);

5 March: How far did Edward IV restore law & order upon his accession in 1461? (Dr. David Grummitt, History of Parliament Trust);

12 March: Reasons why the Yorkists had won the English Crown by 1461 (Dr. David Grummitt, History of Parliament Trust);

17 March: How serious a threat were The Yorkists to Henry VII? (Dr. David Grummitt, History of Parliament Trust);

2 April: How much support did Richard III enjoy as King? (Dr. David Grummitt, History of Parliament Trust);

9 April: How able a King was Richard III? (Dr. David Grummitt, History of Parliament Trust);

Well that's all for now. I hope you have a great new year.

Best wishes & thanks for your continued interest in The History Faculty.


P.S. Please keep your feedback and requests coming in.

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